Sunday, 19 April 2009

Sunny Sunday

Yet more procrastination involved today, but with less guilt a long side. I wrote up a vague list of my creative writing work to date and posted it on LUVLE, so that's good enough for now; and I was especially pleased when I found a story beginning lurking somewhere in my hard drive which I had forgotten about-bumped up my word count a tad!

I wasn't sure if the minibus to Church was on today seeing as it's only just term time so I caught the 9:18 bus into town which got to Church half an hour early. So I began my day with a nice prayer walk a long the canal with my Saviour, and thought about the wonders of His grace, and free grace at that!

There was a dedication service at Christians Alive, it was so wonderful seeing the babies and knowing their parents want nothing more than for them to grow up knowing our Lord and falling in love with Him- was amazing to see the Church behind them and supporting them all.

After Church the few students here went to The Three Mariners pub for dinner and I enjoyed a tomato and cellery soup (odd combination) whilst chatting in the sun to my brothers and sisters. I then decided it was time to head back to campus and get on with some work, so slowly made my way to the bus stop.

Immediately as I entered my townhouse I was greeted by housemates who asked if I wanted to go out and do some work/reading in the sun. Grasping hold of my "making the most of every opportunity" idea I said yes and almost regretfully went outside onto the grass. Needless to say, I didnt get any work done, but wrote about half a page of a terrible short story idea. More housemates came and went like spectators in an art gallery and soon the grass was covered in my brothers and sisters from the Christian Union, in particular County folk seeing as it's the closest college :) Enjoyed some good God conversations based around The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins with hosuemates and CU mates. laughed around taking random photos and attempted to sing "The Stand" by Hillsong as Andy Blain sung and played on the guitar "Our God is an Awesome God".

I then made my way to County Bar and had a few games of pool, one with my brother and good friend Alex, and three where he and I were on a team against Matt and Sally. Matt taught Sally how to play pool which was good, and enjoyable to witness!

Matt, Sally, Andy Blain, Tobi and I then went up to Dans flat and enjoyed some dinner together and general frolicking about. I have only just got back, and had barely enough time to edit and upload photos, then it was time to write this blog, and once again I am sat here questionning where on earth my day has gone!? I'd better drag myself away from my Praise music and 22" monitor (notice how I always refer to this :S) and get some sleep before my 9am tomorrow!

God bless

P.S It's been one of those days when I've really noticed the blessing of all my brothers and sisters :)

Saturday, 18 April 2009


To postpone or delay needlessly.

I did this a lot today. I've a lot of work to do by Monday and a lot of things to organise, but procrastinating over it and enjoying the beautiful weather seemed a far better option for my first full day back in Lancaster.

The summer sun seems to bring out a fresh mindset within people, and just walking through the market in town whilst hearing a distant sound of panpipes made this evident. People seemed happier, and were smiling a lot more. Also the busy cobbled streets moved at a slower pace as people were in less of a rush. I wisely purchased some cheap sunglasses and have hardly taken them off since...

The afternoon was full of yet more procrastination firstly in the infamouse Juicafe and secondly taking a walk along the Lune. How it took me so long to walk up to the aquaduct where the canal crosses the river I do not know. The weather was superb, not a breeze in the air and strolling past people on bikes, having bbq's and jumping into the river took me right back to my childhood years.

My good friend Alex and I walked a fair distance along the Lune then joined the canal and made our way back into town, where he then helped me greatly to get my weekly shopping-which may I add came to a lot more than expected! Thank goodness my loan came through yesterday.

I then cooked the legendary sausage hot pot/casserole which was first discovered at New Word Alive a few weeks ago. Lizze Glover (then known as Gizzie Lover) attempted to cook a casserole but didnt have time to put it in the oven so it was more of a sausage boil/saucepan. It did however turn out well and the caravan enjoyed it tremendously. As did my Mum and Dad when I cooked it at home the other day, Mum tried to replicate it the day after but missed the secret ingredient (not that there is one of course, it just didn't taste the same!).

See, I am procrastinating again, this evening I cooked the sausage casserole and invited Flick and Dan over for dinner. They both ate it all (score) and we enjoyed time talking about our holidays and more importantly God :)

I now feel enough procrastination has been had for the day, and I really should get on with some creative writing- although going out to take some photos seems a more interesting option. Let's see shall we...

Lose my soul

Things are a little different up North already, ive returned from the holidays with this new shiny 22" monitor, hopefully to aid photo editing and allow me to do more than one thing at a time-women can multitask you know.

Not only that, but I spent far too much money on credit last term so I decided to go on contract, and got with it this Blackberry rip-off: as my friends call it a "Raspberry". I can get access to the internet for free mostly anywhere and now have plenty of minutes and texts to use up.

It's important to not let these things rule my life, as the song by TobyMac says "I don't want to gain the whole world and loe my soul", so my prayer for today and this coming term is this;

"Lord forgive us when we get consumed by the things of this world, That fight for our love, and our passion, As our eyes are open wide and on you. Grant us the privilege of your world view, And may your kingdom be, what wakes us up, and lays us down."

There is nothing wrong with owning material items as these, but I just need to keep my focus on the eternal God of all who gave these things to me! God bless

Friday, 17 April 2009


So I am back in Lancaster, after a good drive up and unpacking all my gear I settled down to play around with my new 22" monitor. My goodness my photos look good on here- in comparison to my laptop screen that is. I really should get some sleep, tomorrow- a day of food shopping and work is looming and I need some shut eye! So for now, goodbyeeee...

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Blogging Begins

It's a Thursday evening during the Easter Holidays of 2009. I've just enjoyed some choc chip cookies I made earlier, and am now relaxing in my lounge browsing the internet. After coming across a Lancashire land artists' blog I decided what's the harm in starting my own, so here goes!