Yet more procrastination involved today, but with less guilt a long side. I wrote up a vague list of my creative writing work to date and posted it on LUVLE, so that's good enough for now; and I was especially pleased when I found a story beginning lurking somewhere in my hard drive which I had forgotten about-bumped up my word count a tad!
I wasn't sure if the minibus to Church was on today seeing as it's only just term time so I caught the 9:18 bus into town which got to Church half an hour early. So I began my day with a nice prayer walk a long the canal with my Saviour, and thought about the wonders of His grace, and free grace at that!
There was a dedication service at Christians Alive, it was so wonderful seeing the babies and knowing their parents want nothing more than for them to grow up knowing our Lord and falling in love with Him- was amazing to see the Church behind them and supporting them all.
After Church the few students here went to The Three Mariners pub for dinner and I enjoyed a tomato and cellery soup (odd combination) whilst chatting in the sun to my brothers and sisters. I then decided it was time to head back to campus and get on with some work, so slowly made my way to the bus stop.
Immediately as I entered my townhouse I was greeted by housemates who asked if I wanted to go out and do some work/reading in the sun. Grasping hold of my "making the most

I then made my way to County Bar and had a few games of pool, one with my brother and good friend Alex, and three where he and I were on a team against Matt and Sally. Matt taught Sally how to play pool which was good, and enjoyable to witness!

Matt, Sally, Andy Blain, Tobi and I then went up to Dans flat and enjoyed some dinner together and general frolicking about. I have only just got back, and had barely enough time to edit and upload photos, then it was time to write this blog, and once again I am sat here questionning where on earth my day has gone!? I'd better drag myself away from my Praise music and 22" monitor (notice how I always refer to this :S) and get some sleep before my 9am tomorrow!
God bless
P.S It's been one of those days when I've really noticed the blessing of all my brothers and sisters :)